
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Personal Development.

It is a process of evolutionary development and comprehensive, the individual may experience on an ongoing basis throughout its existence. Personal development is a life project. A long-term plan which must be continually working. A trail of sad relapses but also of many positive developments filled with satisfaction.

Features of the Personal Development

  • Is evolutionary:
It is a process which in turn itself is being developed through multiple processes, van followed each other, which allow them to the individual, pass through different levels of development and maturity.

  • Is comprehensive:
Because personal growth, represents many facets of the individual, and includes all the roles, and aspects of the individual from the individual to go develop in general.

  • Is progressive: 
This is a feature that should be essential in the individual, as if there is a level of steady progress, in each of the areas, and in every aspect of your life, simply, no one can speak of personal growth, there is simply the individual, but it does not grow, or develops, in relation to their life experience.

  • Is Continuous:
The has no limit of age, or stage of development, is subject to a life style in particular, nor to a level of acquisition, or profession, or social distinction, just as long as the individual has life, always and constantly, must be experienced development in all facets of his life.

Vive tu vida al máximo.

Five steps to success...

Step 1: Avoids the negative statements on self
The comments you make on your own have a great impact on your self-confidence and your autointegridad. If you are thinking negative thoughts, you will give rise to negative feelings about yourself and your situation. You may not realize this, but the negative comments or auto disparaging over time will erode your self-confidence.

Step 2: Identifies your own problems 
I caution people that each has own personal problems and that each individual has a responsibility to identify them. Think about your strengths and how you can play with them, as well as your weaknesses and how you can improve them. Do not let your ego gets in your way to inflate your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.

Step 3: Auto Afirmation
 It is important to avoid negative thoughts, positive thoughts are very convenient and have an effect of improvement on your emotions and confidence: Behold one of the keys of the emotional integration of your achievements, regardless of its magnitude. The power of the mind can not be underestimated. If you want something enough, the same desire will become a motivating force.

Step 4: Believe in Yourself

Believe in yourself and admit our mistakes is the key to build self-confidence. If you have problems to try something new, it will not be a bad thing to start with what you are accustomed. This will help you feel more confident, and will give you the guarantee for progress towards something new. Upon entering something new with a positive attitude and the faith of your skills, you it will be easier to have the confidence and act with confidence. Over time, you will find your comfort zone has increased considerably, as well as your self-confidence.

Step 5: Perseverance
Allways will have setbacks in life, and we have to learn to be more resilentes, not to be stagnant there. When things did not go as we planned, it is sometimes appropriate being a little tough on ourselves if we are responsible for this. The key is not to have the responsibility, but to find out what has been done incorrectly, and how can we do to solve the problem. If the problem is something beyond your control, it will have to say that it was not your responsibility, in any case.


Serás Tan Grande Como Tu Pensamiento

El sueño mas grande no es aquel que puedas imaginar, sino el que puedas realizar; El hombre piensa que él hace el pensamiento grande, pero en realidad es el pensamiento que hace grande al hombre. Si siempre piensas en lo que eras, seguirás siendo lo que piensas, no podrás ser lo que deseas , hasta que dejes de pensar en lo que eras. 
La dedicación a lo deseado es la fortuna de lo esperado, el día de ayer fue un escalon para el día de hoy. Cada piedra de tropiezo que te encuentres en tu camino úsala para construir tu escalon que te llevará a tu destino; Pon tu pensamiento en aquello que crees,  para que se convierta en aquello que piensas.

About Me

Mery A. Rojas Galvis
Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela
Hola, Mi nombre es Mery Rojas,Soy Venezolana , tengo 24 anos de edad y me gusta las ciencias sociales.
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